Welcome to Saint Monica Catholic Church

"Eucharistic Fed, Spirit Led"

Saint Monica Catholic Church

Across our website you will undoubtedly find much information intended to help visitors both learn about our parish and her many activities and ministries, as well as our faith in Jesus Christ as we live it in the Catholic Church.  St. Monica Church has much for which to be grateful, for the Lord has richly blessed each of our members and through them, the parish and wider community. 

Visit with us for a while, and come to see just how good the Lord is!

May God bless you!  Peace!




Confession: Saturdays: 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm* (or upon request)

Saturday Mass: 4:00 pm*

Sunday Mass: 9:30 am


* Unless Saturday is the day before Easter or Christmas then see Vigil Mass or Holy Day Schedule

Holy Day Weekday Mass: 9:00 am (unless otherwise announced)

Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm (unless otherwise announced)


Daily Mass: Tuesday - Friday    8:00 am

Rosary: Tuesday - Friday          7:40 am

Divine Mercy Chaplet:          After Mass

Eucharistic Adoration: 1st Friday of every month

Exposition - 8:30 am

Benediction - 5:50 pm

Sign Up for Adoration on Friday, February 7th




Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm



Recent Flocknote Notifications

Canceled - St. Pat's School Family Fun Night

Dear Families, We regret to inform you that due to an increase in student illnesses and our commitment to keeping the health and safety of our school community a priority, we will be canceling tomorrow's Family Fun Night. We know...

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Bringing Back the Valentine Dinner Dance with a Twist

Open to everyone you know. Please let us know if you will attend and what side disk you would like to bring. Thanks, Paul and Vickie Flynn File: Dinner Dance 2025.pdf

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Eucharistic Adoration tomorrow

Eucharistic Adoration is tomorrow, January 3rd.  We still have openings at 11am, 12pm, 3:30pm, and 4pm.  If you can attend one of these times, please let us know in the office (309)694-2061 or sign up through Flocknote below...

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